A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Halloween cat

The sun was back today so a lovely view across the garden over Larkhall and across to Bath from Eda’s room this morning. 

Eda put on her choice of pretty dress as she has gone with daddy and friend and neighbour Madeleine to the matinee performance of Mack and Mabel. I hope she likes it.

Lots of activities this morning. The purple cat was brought home from school yesterday and declared a Halloween cat. This morning she had it cut out and then stuck it to a new sheet of paper so she could decorate it. She did all the pumpkins around it and then added stickers. The result is now on the fridge, a gift to mummy.
Jude was playing with jewel stickers too in her high chair. We also had play dough and Thomas jigsaws and Eda painted a plaster unicorn which was a birthday present.

Chris took Grace to the theatre for the final two performances. 
I put Jude down for her nap as the others set off for the show.
Jude is awake now and we’re watching ‘Stick Man’. She’s also had ‘The Snail and the Whale’ which we read before she went to sleep. Eda doesn’t want to watch these anymore but I love them and so does Jude. With a drink and a snack they help her make the transition from sleeping to playing again.
Chris is doing a bit of garden tidying, trimming back a rose by the garage, a bloom from which is adorning the table with the mini pumpkins and the little bowl of Daisy heads which Jude picks everytime she comes up the steps. She then says water, meaning she wants them putting in water.

There is a party tonight, not sure if John is going but he’ll need to help Grace get all her props back. We’re here to babysit of course!

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