Squirrel - Again

Squirrel's year had an assembly today to which parents (and grandparents in some cases) were invited.
It was all about space and the planets. 
During the proceedings there was a section where some of the kids had to come up with a poem about one of the planets that they were given.
Each line had to start with the letters of the planet.
Squirrel had Neptune.
Squirrel, being Squirrel was delighted that she was able to get Uranus in.
She was much better than most of the others as we had 'tutored' her in slowing down her speaking so that people could hear clearly ..... most seemed to say their entire skit in one single breath. However, she wasn't particularly pleased at having to wear the star costume. (In the extras).

This afternoon when I was at the lathe I did the usual and took off my new glasses and put on my old ones. The new ones were put in the box and put safely on the side.
When I had finished, I went to put the new glasses back on - and a lens had popped out (I suspect the box is a fraction too small) ... so it was off to the optician to have it popped back in.
Another box is now going to be used.

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