Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

The Accordionist

Today I was in London for a CT Scan.  I only had to walk from Waterloo to Guys', lie on a thing for a few minutes, then walk back again, but it was exhausting!

This guy was playing by the South Bank ext of the 'wobbly bridge'.  In Extras are a) the Houses of Parliament because it kind of seemed appropriate today, b) a poster and some art work put up under one of the bridges (and yes, really this crooked) and c) a poor lady kneeling in desperate hopes someone would put some coins in her cup.  I've seen other people use this spot for exactly the same on previous walks down there.  I have no idea if they get given any money.  The problem is no-one keeps coins in their purses any more.  In Winchester I usually some in my pocket, but today I simply didn't think about it ;(

So - I will do what commenting I can tonight, but may have to finish tomorrow - I hope you'll forgive me.

Have a lovely evening  xx

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