Allotment time

Thursdays are just the best! Apart from shopping, I don't enjoy that, but it's all done and dusted by 9.30. I even had time for a coffee with Jon before singing today.

My voice is still a bit croaky from my cold last week - I do feel like it's trying to come back, but I'm not letting it. Then I went to Morrison's for the missing bits from the morning shopping. From there I went to Homebase where I bought shallots, garlic and early peas to plant - oh, and a new toilet seat.

Home and I had lunch with Jon in the conservatory before loading up my bike with a lot of stuff for a couple of hours at the allotment.

Thankful that the nonstop torrential rain had stopped, I got on and weeded, then raked over my one prepared bed. Then planted shallots and garlic in 2 rows on one side. They will be in the ground now for a good 10 months. On the other side I planted 2 rows of first early peas. I saw them today when searching for something that can be planted now. They can be planted Nov, Jan, Feb and March. In theory ready to pick from May. I'll be surprised if they are, but decided it was worth a go. I'll plant more in the new year.

Cooked dinner, and have spent the last 2 hours watching the gymnastics - women's all round champion. It was an exciting finish- and a world away from the gymnastics I did in my youth. Those springy floors make them fly!

Now doing a bit of family history before bed.

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