Wintery Mission Flats

A grey day between
other grey days - winter has
us in its clutches


I was awake at 3 AM for no apparent reason. I helped myself to a bowl of cornflakes, then returned to bed to finish the night. There's no urgency about getting out for photos when the skies are grey and gloomy. I was up again just before 9 to make some coffee. 

I was off to the post office to get some parcels on their way. Once done, I was on my way across the bridge to Mission Flats with hopes for some pleasant views on this glum day. 

I stopped to take a series of photos to make my panorama of the Thompson River. I spied two eagles in the tree up ahead of me, but by the time I moved my car to that spot, the eagles were gone. At the end of the road I saw the eagles in the air together. They were performing some acrobatics together, then they landed on the perch that the osprey had used for their nest. I got one quick shot and they were off again. 

There was definitely a murder of crows in the treetops by the river. They made a great deal of noise, then would rise up like a cloud, circle the trees and come down to perch again. I have no idea what that behaviour signifies. 

Air temperature has warmed up a bit today and was sitting just at 0 C while I was out. Roads are still a bit slippery with some slushy patches and compact snow causing ruts. My little red bomber is experiencing its first winter and its new snow tires. It's an unattractive time with snow receding and grey skies that create a depressed mood. I can do without all of it!

I'm in for the day. My current challenge seems to be a lack of cooperation between camera and laptop due to a recent Microsoft update. I managed to do a work around to get my blip done. No idea what happens with it tomorrow!

We were forecast a mix of sun and cloud today, but that hasn't really materialized. The high was to be -3 C but we're already at 0. 

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