Day 3

Dropped Phin at daycare and headed in to Mission HQ. A lovely bunch of volunteers who worked hard and were very motivated to get through many applications today. Numbers applied for have risen above 11000 and are predicted to ramp up again next week.

Managed to get away sharp at 4pm so I was home just before dusk. Made Mac n cheese for dinner and as I’d forgotten to blip earlier in the day, that’s what you’ve got!

I’ve been waiting for our doggy daycare to confirm Phin was booked in for this weekend when we’ll be away at the Scottish wedding reception and unfortunately got the news this evening that they were full and couldn’t take him. My fault for not confirming sooner but I had messaged (their preferred method of communication) last week and they only responded today. Quick panic stations as the people I’d usually ask are either coming to the wedding or already busy. My lovely friend Susan came to the rescue. She’s away this weekend so had arranged care for her dog and the dog sitter is happy to take Phin as well. Phew!

So I’ve now put in all the dates we know we’re away next year already to get an early confirmation from our usual daycare to at least have enough time to make other arrangements if necessary.

Feeling a little fluey today after my jabs yesterday and have been quite sneezy so am chugging back vitamin c! The covid booster arm is still a bit tender but it’s not stopped me doing anything I needed to.

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