Both arms up

... is how our new grandson sleeps, exactly as his sister did (and sometimes still does)! This photo was taken by our daughter of LMB meeting TYM (the Young Master). She's pretty besotted, apparently.

It was after six when little Miss B woke this morning. A much better time, still allowing us plenty of time to dress, have breakfast, and get ready for Nursery. (I'd prepared her lunch box last night, so that took the pressure off.) She let me brush her hair - it's long and very curly, but she does trust me not to pull. She likes Wednesday Nursery best as it's Forest School, where they do all outdoor stuff in a nice treed area that's wild enough to be fun.

It's the first time we'd delivered her and, missing her mum, her lip trembled slightly, but she conquered it and had a goodbye cuddle before waving us off. I told her that I was sure Mummy and Daddy would be home in the afternoon, and she would get to meet Baby Brother at last. To my delight, she chose to wear the Big Sister badge that I'd knitted for her.

Back to do a tidy and vacuum before the new family member arrived in his own home, ready to meet Big Sister later. We've spent the time since, shopping, nibbling, and snoozing. We're both ready for bed, but hanging on till it's late enough. The phone's not rung yet, but we remain on stand-by if and as and when; giving them space, but ready to help, too.

Our new grandson is a handsome little chap, of course! Weighed 7lbs 2ozs at birth (lighter than his sister), and looks perfect from head to toe. Feel so happy for the little family. And looking forward to our son visiting at the weekend, staying with us so that they can meet The Young Master and see him and Little Miss B together, without wearing out his sister. We are so glad we moved close by. 

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