Morning Has Broken..

...through the cold and the clouds...gutsy little sun, eh? 

It's a little harder to get out of bed and down there now when it involves bundling up in winter apparel to brave the elements! (extra) Coffee and a good book by the fire is so much more tempting..But .. I have to get my mojo back and get out and about more..It is going to be a long winter and I may grow roots here on the sofa if I don't soon smarten up. Interesting though.. it never fails that once I get down there, it feels SO worth it...a much more invigorating way to start my day!

And as usual, the date today registered..November 22. 1963..the assassination of John F of those dates we of those "Where were you?" moments..And I do remember it well..I was in Grade 13..and out of class en route to an appointment to get my driver's permit when I heard the news on the car radio... What a shock that was...and it stayed with me..On my final English exam in June of 64, I wrote the essay part on JFK..and ended it with "the shot that will echo through the corridors of time"..yes, I know..a bit melodramatic..but how true it was. We had no idea then that there would be more assassinations to follow...more shots..more heart-breaking moments before the 60's were over..

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