Heating works again ....

I left the house to be at Mokkabar at 9:30 am for my call with Leanne at 10 am.
I wanted not to do a call with chattering teeth and a frozen nose.
The flat was at 7 degrees in the mean time.

Had a great call and we want to put a complete branding offer together.

I left Mokkabar at 10 am again to be back at the flat before Jürgen the heating man would be arriving.

He cam at 12 am and luckily got the 26 year old boiler working again ..... but it needs replaced ... SOON ...

We were happy anyhoo as we could feel the flat heating up again ... so happy.

We met Jutta and Bernd at Italo at 3 pm and had a late lunch together - then sat there until very late ...
It was hood to catch up and I really like them.
Meeting us seems to be a wonderful change in routine for this very active couple heading for 80 next year.

But I was shattered when we parted at 10 pm .... 7 hours conversation was draining. in the end.

We walked home and cam to a warm flat - how amazing ......

Now heading to bed - blipping my very nice polpo salad.

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