It Wasn't Me

It was the camera........

This morning was quiet and doing nothing.
This afternoon I loaded up the car and went to the wee craft fair. I am glad it was only 2 hours because it was very small (6 of us) and rather quiet (no advertising).

When I got home I grabbed the camera and the Christmas/Easter cactus (it can't make up its mind and tends to flower at both events) and went and took some close-ups of the flowers (which are huge this year). For the first shot (see above) I forgot to switch off the motion detection and had the camera on the tripod (yes - I do own one and I even use it ..... very occasionally) which resulted in the blurred picture. There are unblurred ones over here.

After that SWMBO and I took Bags into Edinburgh for some works party.
The bad news about her going out is I have to go and babysit when hubby goes to collect her .......... at 11.45pm!
That is way past my bed time!

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