
By KCNQ2Haiku

Preparation day

Work trips and exams
builders, gas man, doctor too.
Busy tomorrow!

Lots going on in the KCNQ2Haiku house tomorrow so we've all been a bit wired and stressed today.  Older teen starts his mock exams, Mr KCNQ2Haiku has a work trip and I'm holding the fort with builders, the gas man and a doctors appointment.  As well as the usual managing Ben and the school run.  I have my mum coming over to help out, so all will be well but I'll still be glad when we're through next week!  
We walked to the shops for some baguette and had some bacon and egg for lunch which was tasty, then Ben and I made some cookies to take on our walk to the woods. Always feels good to get the fresh air, the river was looking fast.  The photo is Ben stopping for a breather on a bench, it was with my macro lens that has a broken auto focus, so I was quite pleased with getting him in focus on the manual setting :-D
We had someone come to put new batteries in some house alarm sensors later, another good (but not very interesting) job done!
Now it's back into prep mode, clear pencil cases, packed lunches and carry on luggage.  Very Sunday-ish!

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