Alien art adventure

The first of the weekend’s volunteering shifts was this morning. Today was Piccadilly Virus and it’s nice because, at 11am, it’s the latest starting shift so I did get a bit of a lie in. Arriving at the pod we met up with our other volunteers. All of them lovely. Joan commented that she’d seen a sculpture at Victoria and we were trying to work out what it was. Turns out it was part of the Platinum Jubilee Corgi trail comprising of 19 massive corgi statues, each measuring up to two metres in length and leading people on a tour around the Victoria area. 

Taking a break from my shift I encountered another strange character: a green man sat on a planter. It’s part of Harry Hill's Alien Art Adventure which is described as “a fun and interactive virtual trail”. A bit like the corgi conversation earlier, nobody asked about it. 

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