Early mornings

Plenty of those these days, although I have discovered that if I switch my Fitbit alarm off and fall asleep again, it interprets that as the snooze function and stirs me again 9 minutes later. Just as well.... Oh, I do find these dogs days of the year difficult with the darkness, although luckily although we have some crispness, it's not really cold, it's been bright and it's not raining. That said, when I did the last bit of the trip home on a heaving No. 16 a while back, it was a pea souper in Leith. That inversion has clearly spread and joined up with the fog that has been lying over the Firth all day (I could see it from the window of the fifth floor of the Lister Building where I was teaching from 2-4).

Last segment of teaching this semester. I know I do more than I strictly need to, but I strictly need to in another sense. A few other meetings and interactions, including a PhD supervision. A pleasant day.

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