'Tis the Season..

.. for Christmas shopping... but I just can't seem to get into the spirit of it.

First of all, I don't even have a list of ideas for gifts let alone an actual gift list! And browsing aimlessly whilst fighting the crowds of other aimlessly browsing shoppers does not appeal. I would rather have an actual list of specific items and a game plan for my attack on the shopping front, but I don't...and the days are flying by.

Today I figured it was time to act; so after lunch with a friend, I decided to make my first foray into the arena of Christmas shopping, and begin the search, if not for gifts, at least for ideas. But where? Not the mall - heaven forbid - but perhaps a couple of small shops where sharp elbows were not required? Shops that could offer suitable gifts for folks "my age" who already have most things they need or want and who do not want more "stuff"? Perhaps something unique, useful or consumable? 

I started with a shop that specializes in olive oils and then a museum gift shop that offers items created by local artists...I had modest shopping success, but I did come home with some ideas...and the added bonus? I was the only shopper in both and in each, had the full attention of the proprietor! Perfect!

Oh yes, and speaking of "age"...

You know you are old when the Chief Medical Officer of Health for  Ontario phones you to tell you, albeit in a recorded message, that, "at your age", you are vulnerable for COVID and he hopes that, if you have not already done so, you will rush out and get the latest COVID shot and that, while you are there, get your flu shot too, and then he gives you specific instructions as to how and where to book those shots.. and also advises that you still wear a mask despite the lack of a mandate. All very nice and ever-so-thoughtful of him - but, geez... another reminder that I am now OLD? 

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