This is the day

By wrencottage

A wise choice

We had a lovely morning with the family, who have now gone to town to see a matinée performance of "& Juliet" together. Granny and Grandpa are taking the opportunity to rest a bit, being unused to having so many house guests these days!

Our eldest granddaughter made a beeline for ‘her’ lemon cake when she arrived last night, and she has also been enjoying some of the left over Nutty Joy biscuits from the batch I made for the school bazaar. When she came downstairs this morning L did the honours on Granny’s ancient Advent calendar, which was made while I was pregnant with son #3 (The Traveller), so it’s now 36 years old. All the toys to go on the tree are in the pocket at the front. The Traveller put up the soldier on 1st December, and the snowman yesterday. This morning L chose to put up the owl. A wise choice on her part.

I apologise for my lack of commenting at the moment. I’m really, really tired …

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