Nice and Cozy

We had a busy day planned so everyone got up, had breakfast and started our list of tasks. Basically, we were preparing the home for the winter. Sugar must have realized the trip was ending because she wanted to hang with Gram all day. She snuggled on our bed while I was cleaning the bedroom. We visited the neighbor and decorated her tree so she could put her gifts under it. We saw a few tears; she just cannot stand long enough to do much. From there we went to a neat craft fair in town, bought a few items and left in time for Mass. We made a quick stop at the store and then headed to the other side of town for a Christmas party our friend John hosted. What a fun day we had before the long trip begins. Sure hope you have a wonderful weekend. Stay safe and healthy. Thanks for dropping by. "I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me, they are the Christmas model for being alive." - Gilda Radner

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