Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Oh dear, what a day!

You know those days when nothing much goes right? Nothing seriously goes wrong, but..........

I slept in unintentionally, until 0845. That set everything off on the wrong foot. I could not clear my head to wake up. The jobs planned for this morning were just too much to contemplate.

This afternoon I went to hear our village choir, North Tyne Voices, singing their Christmas concert in the village hall. Who forgot to put a card in the camera? Who also forgot to take her iPhone?! No photos were taken.

I was so cross with myself.

Joan looked after Mum so that was good.

I am on my way to bed now and will set two alarms for the morning. No more oversleeping allowed.

I did hear a fascinating zoom talk from RPS Scotland tonight. I had forgotten that I had booked it but just happened to pick up the iPad when it was starting. Brian Sweeney, photographer of pop groups, celebrities and canals (yes) was chatting about his work. 

It was a very informal presentation.  He even sorted out a caller at the door part way through. His language was choice and very funny at times. 

When talking about groups, he said that in the old days, he would turn up for a shoot, but they would be drunk or one would be missing. It was very relaxed. Nowadays, the groups are not only on time, but they are more likely to be doing a workout than having a drink.

His comment about Sting and his "tantric nonsense" had me laughing out loud. It was the way he said it. (That was once I had tuned into his accent.)

So, no photos of carol singers, but a photo of a carol. I love tunes in 5 flats.

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