Cold Snap

There was a frost on the greenhouse and frames at midnight last night and despite temperatures lifting a degree or two under clouds today, ice persisted atop water in the garden.   Cold.   The Winter Flowering Iris, Iris Unguicularis, which started producing flowers late October, is still going strong although fresh buds to pick will likely stop now until the temperatures lift a bit.  I picked these yesterday, a welcome splash of colour on my table.

Feeling less exhausted today, still taking it gently.   We managed to find a vet that gives compatible vaccines to those Timmy had in Birmingham four weeks ago so a trip to Machynlleth this afternoon saved having to restart the course when Ruth gets home.  Today was the deadline day.   Otherwise I seem to have frittered the day away on getting slight stains out of pale woollen jumpers and a bit of stuff sorting .... which inevitably seems to make the place more untidy before it makes things better!

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