New Life

Cyclamen hederifolium silver leaf form, seed sown in September, recently germinated.  The first leaves are rounded but those to come will have the characteristic ivy leaf shape that gives the species it's name - from Hedera helix, Ivy by another name. 

Another very cold day.  Frosty early and late.  These babies are very hardy but as a kindness to their newness, they've moved into the greenhouse for the winter.   The precocious ones might make the odd flower next autumn but the best displays will be in other years to come.

I'm feeling almost back to normal, just a little more tired than usual and I did sleep a little while before cooking dinner tonight.   Chicken thighs, onion and pepper cooked in a home-made barbecue sauce  - for those who'd like to know that's made up of equal parts tomato ketchup and molasses sugar, some mustard, Worcester sauce and a dash of cider vinegar.   The chicken a gift from a friend I called in on at lunchtime.  She's away from tomorrow and had overstocked her fridge.   Meg had a run in her field, the ball field, while we were there.  Good to catch up with someone I've known for many years.

Pottery tomorrow morning :-)   A catch up session after I missed the final one in the course.  Glazing ... which I know from past experience is a challenging art!

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