Stilts in step

Broken sleep due to the first dose of the lurgi I have had for a couple of years, and I finished up sleeping until a half hour after sunrise. Broke into the reading for a midday walk along the edge of the mudflats.

Gulls of course, oysterctachers, a lone shag on a rock, terns and stilts and herons. Early in my walk I saw two herons and two stilts in the one patch of water. All were feeding regularly. Pictures of birds with their beaks in the mud are okay, I guess, but both S and I preferred this one of the two poaka seemingly marching past one of the herons, who was taking the salute.

Then more reading.

Now posting this while S and daughter J are demolishing the pre-dinner snack. So I will cease writing and join them.

Worth looking at large.

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