The Colours Of Winter

And very nice they are too.

It was SWMBO's round of the medical services this morning --- bloods at the doctor and then an ECG followed by a chest x-ray at the hospital.
While in the hospital we passed the department that does CT scans. I know of 3 places in Edinburgh that does them ..... so why am I having to go to the other side of Glasgow?

I got my appointment for the memory clinic in the post as well today.
You could have knocked me down with a feather ........ they are coming to me! ... at my house!
I had better make sure the house is respectable and get in some decent coffee and cakes.

Also in the post I eventually got the beard material that has been in the clutches of the Post Office for a while since way before their strikes.
So now I can  add the beards .... and the noses to the wee chaps.
That one is standing on a piece of Raspberry Jam wood that I found hiding in the garage -- it is red, smells of raspberry jam when cut (but doesn't keep the smell long I am afraid), weighs a ton and was rather expensive when I bought it (many years ago).

Before I set too adding noses etc, I took some shots of the dead flowers on the desk before I had to move them and have all the petals fall off (there are another 4 shots over there).

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