
I took the bus into town this morning to avoid any slip slithering down the Mound.
It turned out be a good decision when I witnessed the enthusiastic tourists intent on ‘doing’ Edinburgh, hanging on to the hand rail attached to the wall when they discovered the pavement hadn’t been salted.
Once upon a time it was incumbent on shopkeepers to keep the pavement in front of their premises free of snow and ice. Now it doesn’t happen very often and certainly the forecourt in front of Sainsbury’s , Starbucks and Söderberg on Middle Meadow Walk was still like an ice rink at 11am.

I had a lovely visit from Daughter#1 and my granddaughter just after lunch and we managed about an hour and a half before the sun went down and the cold set in. It’s amazing how sun streaming through the windows tricks your brain into thinking you are warm.

I hope I’ve persuaded my granddaughter to join some of the family for a gathering here on Boxing Day.

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