-23 C/ -9 F

I took the coward's
way and stayed at home - the cold
can be avoided


I really didn't think I wanted a jaunt with my camera today. So, I took the easy fix - I walked out onto my deck to have a look at the world. It is cold again but with some sunshine and a sort of haze in the air. I got a shot of my mountains to the east. I took that long walk through the pristine snow on my deck. A look to the southeast shows that haze over the downtown and so many steaming vents above the buildings. I looked back over the footprints, like Robinson Crusoe. I happily made my entrance back into the house.

I'm inside and staying put. The sun is brightening up the house but the furnace keeps running. I will ignore the cold as best I can. 

The forecast is for a sunny day with a high of -21 C and a wind chill near - 34 C.  One more cold day and we should see an upturn in temperatures. 

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