Towards Crummock Water.

This is today and you can see the day was grey and dull.  It tried to rain too. A different LD view not often photograph, but it does show that much of West Cumbria is like before you get into the LD proper. Melbreak is in the distance on the right with Red Pike hidden in low cloud next to it.  Grasmoor, on the left, is also hidden in low cloud.  This cloud remained all day.  Just before dark the sky had different colours in it and this was the brightest time of the day.  The weather doesn't look much better for tomorrow or Saturday.  We'll see what tomorrow brings.
This photo was taken on the 'old road' between Cockermouth and Keswick at around Embleton.  I waited for a gap in the traffic before taking.  The traffic would be on the 'new' A66.  Those of a certain age will remember travelling on the 36 bus to Keswick on this road and the views it gave.
Feeling a lot better, the fresh air doing me good.  Adam again, has spent most of the day in bed.  He is very nasal.  However he knows what he wants to cook for Christmas Dinner, so by then he should be better.  Guess who had to 'fight' through crowds in Morrisons?

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