
By dunkyc

Filling the void

Due to illness, busy-ness and the general pace of life-ness there were a few misses in my blip for December.

However, I resolved to leave those days unblipped. What did it matter if I left a few gaps in my journal? Were the Blip police going to come round and give me a stern talking-to for not updating you on the latest developments in insurance?* 

However, as the days have worn on those gaps in the journal have eaten away at me like a gluttonous dad devouring the last of the Christmas cheese and I simply couldn’t leave my journal like that. Today, with working continuing to be completely non-existent, I went back through my phone and found that there were a number of photos I could back blip and others (where I was ill) where I would have to take a little creative license.

A couple of hours later and I was back up to speed with the gaps in the journal filled with nothing but solid gold entries. All killer no filler**.

Is this bordering on the obsessive or is it perfectly acceptable to desire three full years of unbroken journalling? I don’t know. What I do know is that Blip does help me make at least a little sense of my life and I truly value the input from other users, despite the fact that I am completely crap at reciprocating.

Either way, I am up to date and back on track and determined to keep as regular with my blips as I am with my bowel movements, although some may argue that this comparison can be used in another way to describe this journal.

Regardless, looking back on the manic December that is now drawing to a close and logging some of it here, has easily been the most fun I’ve had today (aside from a brief manic video call with with the wee ones) and probably about the only thing I’ve accomplished - aside from finishing the remaining Candy Kittens from my advent calendar. 

*There aren’t any.

**This is a lie.

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