Boys and bikes

Jon and Henry went out for a ride this afternoon- it being the only day with a dry forecast. I went to Sheringham with mum. We wandered down the high street and in a few charity shops. I bought my filofax 2023 diary from Smiths. Yes I am old fashioned, but I can't do planning on a phone. I have to be able to turn pages, and actually see what is happening in the future. I filled in a couple of things, and highlighted them pink - the pink highlighter still knocking about because I had to do the same with the Christmas Radio Times. Will be good when we have a few weekends away booked in the caravan. Hopefully starting in February.

Jon and Henry went to Cromer to meet Daniel this evening to see Avatar at the cinema. Not something I am interested in. So I tidied up a bit and tried to make some space. Jon is home now and it didn't go down well so I will have to move things back tomorrow.

Watching some TV now, and eating mint matchmakers. The crumbs of Christmas.

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