Dinner party at Mike and Susie's

This evening we drove across town to Mike and Susie's for a dinner party.

The traffic was very light so we reached our destination far too early: we couldn't possibly ring the doorbell half an hour before the appointed arrival time. Instead the four of us entertained one another by pretending that we were performers in a Play for today type drama acted out in the confines of a small car. My proposed plot was that one of us would make a terrible confession just before Mike or Susie noticed the car and called us inside. The unresolved questions of the other three would provide the tension for the play over the course of the main scenes set in the house. The rest of the characters - Mike, Susie, and their other guests James and Jan - would have no idea why the rest of us were behaving so strangely. To get the ball rolling I invented a confession about the first night that I met Mike (on a work trip on 17th May 2012), but none of the others believed it :-(

Mike eventually saw the car twenty minutes after we pulled up in his street. He kindly invited us in ten minutes earlier than anticipated. The other two guests arrived not long afterwards. We all enjoyed a fun evening of chat at the dinner table while working our way through a delicious feast of homemade dishes.

The earlier part of the day was not so good. In the middle of the night I stubbed the second toe on my left foot. It hurt a lot at 3:00am, but I was confident that it would be fine by the time we got up. Unfortunately it is not. Although there is very little to show for my injury, putting weight down on my left foot at the moment is rather painful. I can hop-walk, but I can't run. This is really disappointing because I feel like I could do with some proper exercise.

We are also getting tied up in knots over a possible holiday in February. We were thinking of flying to the Canary Islands direct from Edinburgh, and have identified some possible hotels. However, we are concerned that the average winter temperature of around 18 degrees may be too low for us to participate in our usual slothful winter holiday pursuits of sunbathing, reading, and drinking cocktails. Blipper advice would be welcomed on this dilemma. Have you been to the Canary Islands in February, and would you recommend it?

My blip is of Mike and Susie's Christmas tree.

Exercise today: none (injured).

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