Numinbah Cloud Horse

Today was probably not the best day for our weekly was raining.

We hoped that it would clear..... and at times we even saw patches of blue sky.

As we drove more into the hills the clouds seemed to spill and boil over the hill tops.........So very very wonderful..........stopping every few klms to take snaps ......was worth getting wet for.

As we passed the Numinbah Valley and drove up to Lower Beechmont we started to drive through the clouds............when we climbed higher to the Lamington Plateau we could look down through the clouds to the valleys below. The whole trip was like a magical mystery tour without the drugs.

Walking through the mist in the rainforest was matter of the cold wet drops down the collar...the afternoon sun..... weak as it was .....slanted through leaving glints of golden/russet light on the bark of the trees.

There were so many many lovely shots to choose was nearly the view from the fabulous place on top of the world where we had coffee..looking through the big window at the fabulous view.

Spoilt with memories of so much beauty and a camera stuffed with pics of it I am happily pooped. The weather was just perfect.

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