A Day of Two Halves

Neighbourhood Watch
All Quiet on The Western Front

A quiet day was had by Geordie and myself. Although he had fresh air and exercise on a good walk with Jim.
I’ve mended a pair of gloves, repaired the seam on a jumper, turned a hem on a skirt, and - wait for it - darned a sock! Who darns socks nowadays! Well, me obviously. I was taught to darn when I was wee and I liked nothing better than darning my Dad’s socks, then him telling me I’d done a great job. But, anyway, it all goes to show my level of boredom today.
I phoned the hospital re my referral, only to be told that appointments is still closed for the holidays, so will try again tomorrow.
I saw a greenfinch in the back garden, grabbed the camera, but didn’t manage to focus before it flew off. I will keep an eye out for him again. I’ve not seen one for ages. In the front garden there were five goldfinches on the lavender, so that was my excitement for the day. It’s rare that I even see two in the garden. Maybe I just need to look out the windows more. They could be having daily conventions in the garden, and I just miss them.

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