Living my dream

By Mima


There is an enforced silence Chez Mima at the moment. The last three mornings I have woken up with no voice, and while it has come back as the day progresses I’m using it much less than usual. Fortunately Bean needs little vocal direction these days.

The voice loss was initially accompanied by a sore throat, and now only by an occasional dry cough. In all other respects I’m feeling fine, so except for not talking life goes on as usual.

But the way I tested negative for Covid, so as far as I’m aware it’s one of the other myriad bugs zooming round NZ this summer.

Today’s harvests:
1.6kg raspberries;
2 courgettes;
Sugarsnap peas for 4 people;
Peas for 12 people.

Yesterday’s pick of raspberries was partly done by a friend who loves them…and who assured me he knew exactly which fruit to select. So I left him to pick one of the rows, while I did the other.

I registered that his bowl wasn’t brimming over, but thought no more of it until I glanced through the netting this morning and saw hundreds of ripe and over-ripe fruit. Sigh…

So once more I was in the fruit cage this evening. An hour later (and with a fair amount of silent grumbling to myself about unreliable pickers) I emerged with 1.6kg of raspberries. I feel some jam coming on…

It’s been another hot day. 29C under mostly high cloud. It’s all going to change (albeit briefly) tomorrow with a southerly. Right now I quite like the thought of some cooler air for a day or two.

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