Comfy Dog

Spoilt for choice of snapshots today, even though most were not technically brilliant.  Mr PS was busy at the development stage.
You nearly got a mushroom for the blip as I have published loads of Biskit and not seen a mushroom in weeks, possibly months. However the hound had got himself very comfortable (my woolly pully was on the back of the chair) and although all of the shots I got were terrible (they always are with him on the white towels) it just had to be my blip.
We had a couple of good walks and put the world to rights a couple of times.  This morning’s big chat was with Bonnie’s dad.  See legs in extra.  Biskit likes Bonnie and they had a great chase around before the seminar started as we were about to go our separate ways.  Bonnie is a wonderful jumper, and can give me a kiss from a sitting start . . .

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