A walk

I had a nice day with Mollie, beginning with shopping at Lidl, then breakfast at McDonald's. Not the most exotic location given that Cromer has so many cafes, but a good value convenient place to get fed and watered.

Then we went to Co-op looking for reduced Christmas bargains and came away with a very nice Christmas jumper (mens, size small) reduced to £5 from £20.

We got home and put away the shopping. Then I did some pruning in the front garden. There is still lots to do, which I hope to do at the weekend. It will be good to get it looking tidy, and to clear up all the leaves. Then we went the long way to the allotment vowing not to make resolutions, but knowing we must get better routines for exercise! Bessie was pleased to see us.

I made a fish pie for dinner. It took ages! As you know I'm not an expert in the kitchen, but I had the Archers on catch-up so the time went quickly - although not quickly enough for a hungry Jon. I started it at 6, and we ate at 7.45. It was delicious and worth the wait. Hake, salmon and a whole bag of prawns, plus leek, dill, and spinach in a creamy white sauce, topped with mashed potato and sweet potato. I was pleased with my efforts, but will start earlier next time.

Now I'm watching Marie Antoinette. The first and second episodes.

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