
WH and the girls went off before 6.30 to schools. I stayed in bed till late doing some work and finance. I'd also done some work during the night. Connectivity!

Once up I did a couple of hours on contracts before going to the pool where it was hot and sunny and the water was warm. Breakfast had been a badly defrosted roti with no dhal and somehow lunch was missed. 

I collected Olivia from next door. Interesting to hear her being effortlessly bilingual. Once Amelia was home they went to the playpark but that ended on tears when MeiMei bumped her head.

Salad for tea. I vastly improved over the day. Whatever it was has pretty much gone. 

More work in the evening, paying bills and taking to a member of the team, though I had some problems with numbers. And I managed to start awake well past 9.

Kitty has a new sleeping spot. 

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