Heather - for love, admiration and respect

As I get older, I find it harder and harder to wade through the dog days of January. And this year has been the hardest yet.

This morning, after waking up early and then falling asleep again, I had some sort of extraordinary dream about travelling on a train, falling asleep, missing my station (Edinburgh - and I was heading south as by the time I woke up I was in what looked like the Borders or England), and then waking up on a rail replacement bus. Dystopian or what. I couldn't get some of the ideas out of my head for the rest of the day.

One real oddity was that I woke up so late that it was actually light when I got out of bed. That hasn't happened in a while. It also needed a bit of adjusting to.

Plans to take a walk outside Edinburgh *again* fell by the wayside. By the time we pottered over to the supermarket at the bottom of Leith Walk it was already grey and the early brightness had disappeared.

Yet another weekend has disappeared....with little discernible progress on most fronts, although I did do some necessary work. A few bits of socialising to look forward to during the week and next weekend. I know, I know. We should organise more. But that's the very definition of the dog days that you cannot manage even to do that. Hey ho. Another week of work begins tomorrow.

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