
We set off for our daily walk just after 2.00 pm, and were quite surprised to find a number of secondary school children coming down our road towards us. The nearer we got to the school, the greater the numbers and the harder it was to find an inch of pavement to walk on! We usually try to avoid school coming out time for that reason, and we certainly had no idea why the school gates were disgorging hordes of youngsters a good hour early.

Having dropped off a set of blood pressure measurements at the doctors’ surgery, we decided that discretion was the best part of valour and we called it a day and took a detour around the back of a local pub to find a quieter route home. Fighting through dozens of youngsters at the bus stop ahead of us, most of them either on their phone or pushing and shoving each other, was not our preferred option.

The positive side to all this is that I’ve never noticed this bull in the Miller & Carter garden before, because I don’t usually walk down the side of the pub!

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