
And freezing cold!   

The sun hits the greenhouse first thing in the morning and again after about 2pm at the moment.  It was +0.8C in there when I was potting up new gesneriad rhizomes (now safe in the house) and planting the Scottish rock garden club seed exchange seed before lunch.  A frost still on the glass.   Good to get these little jobs done.  Tomorrow I'll plant the cyclamen seed, currently soaking in a little water to rehydrate the seed which helps aid germination.

A late start, I'm still very tired.  I've cleared some of the clutter from the kitchen including recycling that's built up since Christmas!   A bit of sorting here and there too.  A long phone call with Jamie and the team in hospital after lunch.  It was a meeting to formulate a discharge plan.  Mostly I just listened, Jamie had his say which is the important thing.  A plan to start medication changes tomorrow and to be discharged to community care next Monday.  Jamie's involvement should ensure it all works well.  The need to find someone to take over from Tim and Mike is now urgent.

It was good to  blow away the cobwebs with C and the Megs after this ... even if we did get caught in a hail shower.   Home to tea and now off to sing some sea shanties.  A night out ... what's that?!

A Crocus from the biflorus group, raised from seed received under a collectors number many years ago.   

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