The Last Light

... well almost.

It was gathering gloom as we returned from our dog walk this afternoon.  Realising I'd be needing to manufacture an indoor crocus blip, I snapped the sunset glow on an anvil cloud out to sea.   There's been a few of those today bringing rain, sleet and a little snow along the coast,  a fair bit of the white stuff inland.

A positive feel to the day.  I posted a job description for Jamie's support on the local 'What's Happening' FB group this morning and had several promising enquiries.  I'm having informal cuppa and chat with each one first then Jamie can meet some of them.  It'll be his decision ultimately.   Todays chat was a very positive one.  I'm meeting a couple more tomorrow. 

I dropped my latest creation off at pottery this morning.  I didn't have Bella cover so had brought it home for fettling.  Pleased with the result so far.  Next drying and bisque firing before glazing.   After a late lunch I sorted the cyclamen seeds.  There's a method for aiding germination that involves keeping the seed in ziplock bags in a cool, dark place after soaking them.  After six to eight weeks it should begin to germinate and can be sown.  In pots outside both temperature and moisture levels will fluctuate which can lead to erratic and or slow germination.  The method works best with fresh seed in autumn so this is a bit of an experiment.

Tonight a zoom lecture organised by my old AGS group in Norfolk.  The subject Fritillaria, a interesting bulbous genus that I struggle to grow well.  Something to perfect in my retirement I used to think.  Huh!  Retirement?!!  It was good and nice too to see and say hi to a few old friends.  The speaker, like me, lives over here in Wales (but down south.)

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