Tree-Time 2023 Part 1

Well I finally managed to get round to my first tree photo for this year. Another from the Arboretum, at the very top of the park. I'm not sure yet what type of tree it is.

An early trip to the Co-op was required this morning to buy milk so I thought I may as well take this whilst I was out too. I didn't hang around too long as it was bitingly cold again and anyhow I wanted to have my breakfast.

Having done no housework yet this week and with a hair appointment to go to tomorrow, I thought I should crack on and dust, polish and tidy the two downstairs rooms. 

I'm aware that once again no more than the bare minimum is being done cleaning-wise and standards are slipping back to where they were when I worked before. It is depressing, but so would be spending virtually every waking moment that I am indoors cleaning!

I can't help wondering if the reason we struggle to get workmen to come and do the jobs we need done is because of the skeffiness of the house... Yes, we are still waiting to have our electrical problems sorted out. There is just one working socket in the kitchen now. The loud pops seem to have ceased since a massive one last week. I was cleaning in the kitchen near the dodgy socket at the time, and I thought I'd been shot, so loud and forceful was the sound. There's been no more since...

I'm back to work tonight so will have a coffee and a bit of a rest before I have to go. Hoping for all pleasant customers with cash, preferably change, no weird orders and steady kebab sales so the grills stay on as much as possible for warmth tonight...

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