Changing skies

Rather surprised to wake up this morning to a light covering of snow - I hadn't expected it, for some reason! Fortunately our neighbour had salted the drive the evening before so with a bit extra behind the car we got Mrs M out and on to the road!

I'd arranged to meet a Keep Oban Beautiful friend at the Rockfield café this morning so I walked down to meet him. The sun was shining on the mountains of Mull so I took a picture intending to use it as my Blip.

We chatted about my friend's suggestion to involve the local primary school in our litter-signage project and hopefully came to some useful conclusions. When I left the café - in the old Rockfield School - and walked down to the seafront an hour or so later the scene had changed, the sun had disappeared from the mountains and the sky was black! I preferred this new picture of a ship unloading at the North Pier as my Blip - thought it was quite dramatic! 

Then it began to rain so I had to shelter in W H Smith until it had stopped and got home without getting too wet! Nothing like a bit of variable weather!

Quote of the Day:

“The best camera is the one that’s with you.” – Chase Jarvis

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