An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

He's back!

Well almost :-))

D spoke to the consultant this morning and he is happy with Alan's progress.  Oxygen has been reduced to Level 3 (it was at 6, and much higher initially) Today is the last day of his IV antibiotics.  If he doesn't need any more over the weekend and if he can maintain good oxygen levels without additional help, then he's likely to get home on Monday.  The best news!!  He was also keen to reassure David that if Alan's not ready to go home, they wouldn't be pushing him out the door, so that's good too.  The last thing I want is for him to come home too early and get ill again!

David came home for lunch then after a brief snooze we headed back to the hospital.

Alan was in his wheels and sound asleep.  The physio arrived at the same time as us.  He was sorry to disturb Alan but he won't be back until Monday (there will be other physios on over the weekend) but he was keen to do some work on Alan this afternoon to make his nebuliser more effective later on.

As the room Alan's in is tiny we waited outside and the physio spoke to us when he was finished.  He is really pleased with Alan's progress and says both lungs are much clearer.  The gunk is mainly affecting his upper respiratory tract and should be fairly straightforward for Alan to clear.  Alan even let the physio suction him without causing a fuss.  

He was pretty exhausted when the physio left so he went back to bed and we sat and chatted about him hopefully getting home.  He is insisting he's only staying in hospital for another two sleeps!  

As he was dosing off I was singing silly songs and then out of the blue I was rewarded by smiles.  It was like the sun coming out after a very long, bleak and dark storm.  I wasn't sure if there would be another one but I grabbed my phone and kept singing and sure enough, I was rewarded again.  It was fantastic.  The first real sign that he is feeling better.  And it was so great to be able to message family and friends and let them see a happy face at last.

We left just as he was dozing off.  Decided to get a takeaway to save cooking.  Feeling much lighter this evening :-)  

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