Femme Fatale

Or is it? Mrsfb thought this mannequin looked rather androgynous. Spotted on a mooch around an antiques shop in Cirencester this afternoon. It was a very interesting and well laid out shop, much better than the ones in Tetbury a couple of days ago. Mrsfb actually bought something - a Nao figurine of a boy carrying a pile of books. It looks good against her Landró collection, and fits in well with her other book reading figures. She wanted me to haggle over the price like they do on TV but being British (well half British these days) I refused, and I thought the price was fair anyway.

Update: we now think the figurine is a girl, so a bit of androgyny going on there too :-)

We'd really gone to Ciren to search out the Peter Barnes Last Supper sculpture featured by chrispybox recently. It's in the extra. Very impressive, comprising over 50,000 computer keys. Its in the St John Baptist Church. The church was really heaving when we went in as a baptism service had just finished.

One year ago:
More Snowdrops

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