
By Mikey88


It was the mother-in-law's first appointment for her AMD treatment today, so I picked her up at 8.15 to get her to the hospital for 9.15. She had drops put in each eye, then an injection in each eye. Unfortunately, it sounds like it won't improve her sight drastically - just stabilise it so that it won't get any worse.

Got home from that at about 12.00, in time for a quick cup of tea and then off to my wife's school to cover her class for the afternoon. It was really good. They'd done SATs in the morning, so she wanted them to have a nice relaxing time. I took them into the computer suite and they worked on Textease Turtle - a version of the Logo programming language. Textease is a brilliant program and I've missed using in since retiring, so it was nice to work with it again.

Despite enjoying themselves, they were doing some pretty high level thinking and problem solving as they develop mini programs to draw patterns on the screen in response to a challenge.

I'd gone in on my bike, but when I came to ride it home, it had a puncture - hence the picture. Fortunately, it's not far, so I could walk home easily. There was a nasty little thorn sticking through the tyre. It was a bit of a pain fixing it, as it meant loosening the back wheel to get the inner tube out, but it only took about half an hour. Hopefully it will still be inflated tomorrow!

Hope you didn't suffer from the snow. We had some on the moors a few miles away, but it didn't affect us. Looking forward to a better day tomorrow.

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