
A pottery day, interspersed with Jamie time.   I've got two projects on the go at the moment.  There's a bisque fired piece that I glazed today, seen here with the inside glaze in place before  I added a what will be a copper coloured glaze on the outside.  Can you guess what colour the inside will be - not as obvious as it looks!   The second piece will be a decorative plant pot holder.   Built using the slab method, a round slab base and the long piece for the cylinder part.   Back to school to work out the required length, Pi x diameter of the circle.  The pattern so easy using a roller tool probably designed for use with fondant icing.

The next firings will see one piece finished and the other ready to be glazed.   Before that I will start something else :-)

You are allowed to award hearts and stars to tonight's sunset afterglow in extra pics which was unexpectedly wonderful for a few minutes!   

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