A little worse for wear

This statue, which has clearly seen a bit of Irish weather over the years, and which W tells me is called a Sacred Heart, is in the grounds of Loughrea Community Hospital.  As is our GP practice.  We popped in this afternoon to pick up a copy of W's MRI report, as he is trying to arrange some physio, and in any case (touch wood) we will be moving soon and needing to sign on with a new GP..

Afterwards, a visit to the shopping centre to collect medications from the pharmacy, replace (at considerable expense) W's hat and gloves which "went astray" recently in Wexford or Waterford, and buy a few essentials from Aldi. 

Then early dinner at The Loughrea Hotel. 

This morning in the sewing room, I finished the challenging block with Y seams and then, as a bit of light relief, enjoyed making a fairly simple, but very colourful block for the Half Yard Sewing Club's (see extra for January's blocks) February Block of the month.  Both blocks may feature on a day when I'm stuck for alternatives. 

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