Clean sweep

Best viewed *larger* for more laughter

Elgar would not keep still today... so this is very unlike me to blip an Elgar blur, but it had to be done, it's that intent eye, still intent, even in a blur! He disappeared for so long over Winter, I thought he had finally left us, but when he came back I told him never to leave again & he certainly hasn't! He's moved a few hedgerows down, but he knows where the food is, where the great conversation is, where the safety is &, sounds corny, where the love is! ;)

And Larry Robin.... oh I'm so in love with him too (my best love)....

The incomparable

Mixture of sunshine & the heaviest hail storms, no thunder as was forecast, but possibly tomorrow. Been out to see our lovely friend Sue, 3 weeks since her major operation & I think she's looking amazing considering what she's been through. Home to find the blip & then a doze as totally shattered today - yes, did make the gym, but can't tomorrow, as having my second Bowen session. Knees still hurt, I have a feeling I might have fluid on them, will phone the doctors soon regardless of what happens & how I feel after tomorrow, as simply can't go on like this xxx

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