An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Three Bites and it's Scone...

D'ya see what I did there? :P

Oh I am shattered!

Up at the usual 6am. Alan out to school then scones in the oven by 9.30am.

Promised David scones after our fast yesterday. That may seem like defeating the purpose of the fast but scones are much better for you than cake well until you add the butter and raspberry jam! as they contain much less fat and sugar. And the Fast Diet is all about eating sensibly but normally on non-fasting days.

Had a visit from our solicitor who was going over the legal reporting resonsibilites we now have as Alan's Legal Guardians. Thank goodness she's able to keep us right! Felt very Domestic Goddessey not a real word but you know what I mean as I offered her one of my warm scones. To my utter amazement I could only manage half of one. This eating plan is definitely working!

After lunch I shut myself in the games room and stated tackling the mountains and mountains of paperwork that's in there. After 3 1/2 hours I had a bin bag full of rubbish, a box of paperwork to be shredded and 5 boxes of paperwork that needs to be kept and filed. Feels great to have made a start!

Surprised myself at dinner time again by eating half of what I normally would and couldn't face anything sweet. Instead I had two rich tea fingers and they were delish. Can't believe I've just typed that but it's true! Even turned my nose up at chocolate!!

David's out tonight so I was on full bedtime routine with Alan so I'm knackered now. Hope to do some blip catching up but I suspect I may dose off.

*snores gently*

PS And yes I know we've had this argument before but they're DEFINITELY pronounced skon and not scoan.

So there!


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