Journey Through Time

By Sue

Lord of the Garden

We were gifted this rhododendron when we moved into this house some 15 or so years ago. The name of this plant is something like Master of the Garden or something along those lines, the exact name is lost to us now. So, we just call it the Lord of the Garden. It never puts on a terrific showing, probably because we generally ignore it. But what is blooming is looking pretty, so thought I would show you another one of our flowering shrubs.

David called me this morning and he feels great! Whatever the heck he had went away and so we went to the movies after all. When I first fell in love with Star Trek, when I was in Hawaii, I was totally fascinated with all of those deep space adventures. If you had told me then that when I would be in my "ahem" later years and would see a big screen movie with my son, to watch another kind of reinvented Star Trek, then afterward go to the restroom where soap, water and towels are totally activated by moving your hands in front of or underneath them, I would have said you were insane. Then again, I might have said, "Cool!"

We are all going to share in a bit of Pizza now and visit before David needs to go home. Catch ya later.

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