Journey Through Time

By Sue


I almost forgot to put up a photo. Not that it would have been a great loss, as I don't have anything good for the day anyway. But, I thought this was odd. I cut one of our allium flowers to put in a vase. It was that purple/pinkish color, and then it turned this whitish color. It still feels fresh and not dried out...but I have never seen it lose all the color. Odd, don't you think? Or is this normal?

I did see the black-headed grossbeak, but the photos aren't good. I saw the female also, so I guess that means there is a nesting pair back in the woods. Other than that, I spent the day cleaning again. The back half of the house is looking good. Yesterdays cleaning frenzy resulted in me tweaking my tendon that has bothered me for a full year. So, I wore my wrist brace for most of today's cleaning. This has taken sooooo long to heal, and I guess it's still not done. I still don't know why it got messed up in the first place...

I was going to be going to see the new Star Trek movie with David tomorrow (Friday),....but he called and he is sick. Sounds like a bit of the flu as he is aching and feverish. We will go another time as he needs to sleep and I need to not get sick. Of course, mothering mode clicked in, and I would like to take over the supplies one juice, soup, 7-up, tylenol, a loving mother's hand on the forehead. You's instinctive. I'll call him and see how he is tomorrow.

Take care. Stay well.

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