After the arborists had been

Last week we met with an arborist about removing trees that might be unsafe. We had been deferring that until we had resource consent for the work on the house, and a new retaining wall. Consent came last week. S has been anxious about a couple of big kanuka close to the house and erosion has exposed one in a concerning way. I was less worried because with the high winds when I was cooking our meal on the BBQ, the wind gusts hardly affected those two kanuka while elsewhere trees were whipping around. As I showed in yesterday's blip, our problem was a kanuka beside the driveway.

S contacted the arborist company we had dealt with, and they came today. I missed seeing what they did as I was at work. S took a number of photos, which showed some of what they did. Today's blip is the outcome. They even 'swept' the driveway.

As an extra, I have posted a photo of what another split tree has done. The top two thirds of the tree has crashed down on their driveway and footpath access to the house. Perhaps the car was not garaged. Perhaps because they were not home. Whatever, it was so much more devastating than what we had happen, and had solved, because we already had had some contact with an arborist company

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