
We woke up to a dreary day with rain until late afternoon. Hubby declared it a reading day. I washed one load of clothes and did the routine daily chores. We had many birds at the feeders after I added more seeds. I love going outside hearing so much birdsong. The phrase “henpecking” came to mind as I watched these two enjoying breakfast. Hubby spent time in his study, took the remaining boxes to the recycling center and picked up a few groceries. He worked off and on all day trying to get new antivirus software on all of his computers. He bought Avast for his Windows 7 laptop that he keeps just to upload music on his Zune player. McAfee no longer supports that OS and later versions of the OS will not run his Zune app. Technology has us right where they want us; making us constantly upgrade our hardware and software. The most interesting part of our day was receiving our Mystic Monks coffee order; we had only enough beans for a day or two. It was pleasant to actually read for more than 30 minutes today. I usually can’t hold my eyes open after picking up the Kindle in the evening. I was definitely in my happy place with my kitties. See the extra. Wishing you a restful day. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe. “You have to believe in happiness or happiness never comes ... Ah, that's the reason a bird can sing - on his darkest day he believes in Spring.” ~ Douglas Malloch

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